Institute for ICT (English)

Study Abroad

The Institute for ICT is an internationally oriented institute which offers a range of (international) projects and opportunities for internationalization. Such as:
• Performing- and presenting research (also in cooperation with foreign universities) and/or presentation at international congresses;
• Participation in international minors, internships, and graduation projects;
• Participation in international projects;

Study Abroad is not a mandatory part of your study. If you wish to go abroad, you can do so during your major and minor.

Criteria and Selection

First year certificate (60EC). You might need to ask for approval of the program you wish to follow abroad at the institutes examination committee.

Contact person for Study Abroad

Name: Rosalie Balk
Phone: +31 6 38907693

Internship or Graduation Abroad

• Internship abroad is not a mandatory part of your programme
• You can go on an internship abroad during your major and minor
• During your 3rd and 4th study year you can do an internship abroad
• You are allowed to graduate abroad

Criteria and Selection
• First year certificate
• For graduation, please check the programme/study guide (study guide)

Contact person for Internship or Graduation Abroad

Name: Arie Groenenboom
Phone: +31 88 4818447

Internationalization @ Home

There are multiple opportunities for students, including, but not limited to:
• Participation of international conferences;
• Participation in international (research) projects;
• Participation at Bled (honours activity): Bled Conference