Safety and Security

Institute for Applied Safety and Security Studies


1. Study Abroad

  • Study Abroad is not a compulsory part of your study.
  • You can choose to go abroad in the context of your minor in the second half of year 3 (periods C/D) or in year 4 of your study.
  • There are various options at foreign Erasmus and CONRIS ( partners of the Institute for Applied Safety and Security Studies.

Criteria and Selection

  • Propedeutic certificate.
  • Minimum number of ECTS per academic year is required.
  • Approval of the examination committee IVV and intake coordinator / study abroad coordinator.
  • Recommendation regarding language requirement

Contact person

Name: Heidi van Houten. Email:


2. Profileringstraject abroad

In the 3rd and 4th years of your IVK study, it is possible to do (a part of) your profileringstraject abroad. This involves performing (a part of) your core tasks with an organization in another country.

The content of the process is the same as the situation that you would do one or more core tasks at an organization in the Netherlands. The difference is that you do this in another country, with a different language and culture. So, the context in which you perform core tasks is different.

The ‘flight path’ to performing a (part of) your profiling process across the border is also different. The preparation starts earlier (at least half a year in advance).

During your stay abroad, you will be assigned to one of the international learning teams, in which the other students also have international ambitions. This is inspiring and extra fun to work together.

More info:

Contact persons

Name:  Kyra Gevaerts. E-mail:

Name: Marlien Beuns. E-mail:


3. Other options abroad

There are various other international options within the Institute for Applied Safety and Security Studies to go abroad for a shorter period. Such as the annual, international study week with students from VIVES University Kortrijk in Antwerp or The Hague, the Artesis Plantijn Projectweek in Antwerp, the International Study Trip to Berlin and the annual CONRIS Summer School held in Norway in 2024.

Contact person

Name: Heidi van Houten. Email:

4. Internationalization@home

International, English-language minors can be found on both the HU minor site and the Kies op Maat site. These minors are given in whole or in part in the Netherlands at the relevant university of applied sciences / university. Sometimes a short stay abroad is linked to it.

The Institute for Applied Safety and Security Studies itself offers the international, English-speaking minor Criminal Justice Work during the Spring Semester of the academic year. International students from foreign universities of applied sciences and universities also participate in this minor. For more information see: Criminal Justice Work | Minors (

Elective courses with international subjects and perspectives are also available within the institute, for example the CONRISk Lab selection course. In year 3, students take the International Relations and Security course.

Every academic year in March, the Institute for Security organizes an International Week for colleagues and students of the institute, HU Utrecht UAS, other universities of applied sciences and universities in the Netherlands and abroad, as well for alumni, the practice field and other interested parties. Various activities are organized this week, such as guest lectures, excursions, and study visits.

The International Week 2024 will take place from March 4-8, 2024!

In the context of Honors, IVK students can perform honours assignments in the context of Internationalization. In this way, students can experience an extra challenge, looking beyond (international) limits. The assignments offer students opportunities to broaden and deepen further and thereby achieve an Honors star.

Contact person

Name: Heidi van Houten. Email:


For HU-wide initiatives regarding internationalization@home visit this page.