Study abroad IBL

Please read this page carefully and scroll down completely to be sure not to miss any information.

IBL students must study abroad in the first semester of their third year as a compulsory part of their studies. In this semester they have to obtain 30 credits.

Placement procedure

Check the list of partner universities and select five universities where you would like to study. Partner universities have a limited number of places, so you will not automatically be offered the university of your first choice.

  • The more credits you have, the more chance you have to be selected for the university of your first preference;
  • Also taken into account are: language proficiency, motivation, first year certificate obtained in one year, study results.
    You will be offered a place at one of the partner universities according to the following procedure:
    – The selection criteria are: Propedeuse IBL or 55EC of the first year IBL plus a study plan and positive advice of the SA coordinator, average amount of credit points (year 1 and semester 1 in year 2), average grade, language proficiency and motivation.
    – For certain countries and universities you need an average of  56 EC in year 1 and term A and B of year 2 (US, Canada, UK, Australia, Thailand and Madrid). You are only allowed 2 of these destinations in your Top3/5. (If you have an average of 56 EC per year (equals 14.5 EC per block) and would like to go to one of these destinations, your Top 5 should include at least one university that is not mentioned in the list above
    – After the deadline of enrollment credits are checked in Osiris and students are ranked accordingly (make sure that all your credits are registered properly in Osiris by the 3rd week of February). Students who are selected in the first selection will be informed in March.
    – If you cannot be placed at the universities of your choice, you will be contacted and offered a list of other available places.

How to enroll

Registering for Study Abroad for the academic year of 2024-25 has to be done through Mobility-Online. You can register between December 1st 2023 and January 31st 2024. During the registration process you will need to speak to Eline Hofman about your preferred partners (top 5). This individual talk is compulsory.

Before entering the first step in Mobility-Online, you will need to explore certain topics on the partners of your choice and take relevant action. Please check this out here.

After you have read the above and conducted desk research and/or asked IO, you can enter your first Top of Destinations in Mobility Online (your coordinator will then reply). Please use Google Chrome of Modzilla Firefox to open the Mobility Online link.

Important: The chance of studying abroad is very small if you miss the enrollment deadline of February 1st. Registered after the deadline and got approval to go? Then realize that you are automatically put on a waiting list for the Erasmus Grant for Study.

Subject approval procedure

How to get your subjects approved

  1. Check the website/ects guide/study guide of the Host University for available subjects.
  2. Make a list of subjects you wish to take according to the requirements and fill in the form on page 2.
  3. Ask your Study Abroad Coordinator (Eline Hofman for advice on your chosen subjects. Upload in Mobility-Online the subject approval form plus as much information as you can find in for example study guides, course descriptions, literature lists.
  4. Once the coordinator has agreed you can go to the next step and send in a request to the Exam Board (EB) asking for official approval of your chosen subjects and add all the information mentioned above.
  5. Keep a copy for your own administration.
  6. Please note: if changes in original subject choices occur after your arrival abroad, you must hand in a new subject form plus course information for final approval. If you fail to do this, the Exam Board may decide not to award you the credits for the new chosen subjects.

Requirement IBL Study Abroad

  1. Students must pass 30 ECTS credits abroad.
  2. Subjects must be at Bachelor level and not overlapping with IBL programme (exception: language of study abroad with a maximum of 8 ECTS)
  3. Compulsory subjects: minimum 18 ECTS credits.
  4. Students must follow courses in at least 4 of the 6 subject areas below:

A) Economics
possible subjects: general economics, international economics, macro economics, globalisation.

B) Communication and Languages
possible subjects: Negotiations with internal/external international relations on sales proposals and products, managing international relations, correspondence with business partners, company and product presentation, languages, intercultural management, local culture and history.

C) Human Resource Management & Organizations
possible subjects: organizational models, quality control system, leadership models, organizational behaviour.

D) International Marketing Management& Sales
possible subjects: sales, public relations management, marketing communication, B2B marketing, E-marketing, marketing of services, account management, implementation of marketing, sales or business plans, market research.

E) Strategic Management
possible subjects: corporate strategy, vision, mission, company culture, growth, business take-overs, corporate management, market positioning, management, sustainability management, export planning.

F) International Law & Legal Aspect
Possible subjects: international law, European law, transport modalities, sales proposals, contracts, civil law

+ Elective subjects: maximum of 12 ECTS credits


IBL study abroad coordinator

Eline Hofman, Heidelberglaan 15, 4th floor, +31 638 762 761, Mail:

International Office – Exchange Unit

Phone: +31 (0)88 481 81 81, Mail:

IBL Study Abroad forms


See IBL Study Abroad forms. Also an oral evaluation will take place after your return.

Other opportunities to go abroad

  • Internship: via your internship office (praktijkbureau).
  • Optional course profile: IBL students may also study abroad in a fixed or individual minor in their optional course profile (profileringsruimte) in their final year.
  • Please contact your IBL coordinator for more information.