Study Abroad IB

Welcome to the page of IBS Study Abroad. On this page you can find all the information about studying abroad in IBS year 3. You have two options for studying abroad in the 3rd year

Year 3 = 30 EC minor abroad + 30 EC obligatory year 3 courses in Utrecht. You can either choose:

  • Semester 5 (Fall) abroad and Semester 6 (Spring) in Utrecht OR:
  • Semester 5 (Fall) in Utrecht and Semester 6 (Spring) abroad

Partner Universities

Before you can decide on the universities of your choice, do attend the Information Session of your IB department (this mandatory) on 16 November 2021. The next step is to read the information on AskHU/Study Abroad and on this page, please do. Then you are ready to check the list of partner universities and select five (or more!) universities where you would like to study (scroll down on the web page to ‘Partner University Portal’). On the portal, make sure to select the following:

  • Programme: Select All
  • Study Programme : International Business Studies

Check for each of the universities that you are considering:

  • The information on the Information page (click I in front of the name of the university);
  • The Factsheet of the university, incl semester dates;
  • Language of education / required level of language;
  • Academic Content: course offer;
  • Read the student evaluations

Partner universities have a limited number of places, so you will not automatically be offered the university of your first choice.


Registering for Study Abroad for the academic year of 2024-2025 has to be done through Mobility Online.  You can register between November 1st and January 31st.

The deadline of 31 January is a hard deadline.

The chance of studying abroad is very small if you miss the enrollment deadline of February 1st. If however, you have permission to register after this deadline (subject to personal circumstances), then realize that you are automatically put on the waiting list for the Erasmus Grant for Study.

Before January 24th 2025, make sure to:

Complete the necessary steps in Mobility Online;

  • Before entering the first step in Mobility-Online, you will need to explore possible destinations and their details; please find here the Steps needed for making a choice of possible universities for SA;
  • Intake form Mobility Online; (Please use Google Chrome of Modzilla Firefox)
  • Please use Google Chrome of Modzilla Firefox.
  • Provisional top 5;
  • If necessary : Intake meeting with  Study Abroad Coordinator (Walk-in Hours);
  • Sign Declaration of no-withdrawal;
  • HU has a number of travel guidelines in place with regard to travelling abroad. This document  needs to be signed and depending on your situation at your destination of choice, you need to hand it in or to discuss it with your Study Abroad Coordinator.
  • Information about sustainable travel to your destination abroad, you will find here.


You will be offered a place at one of the partner universities according to the following procedure:

Requirement:  The first year diploma or 55 first-year credits and min. 15 credits from Semester 3.

Criteria:          ECs, grades, motivation, language skills

Ranking:        credits : terms (Osiris), grades

Please note:

  • For US, Canada, UK you need an average of 14 EC per term (= 56 per year) in year 1 and Semester 3.
  • You are only allowed 2 of these destinations in your Top 3/5. (If you have an average of 56 EC per year and would like to go to one of these destinations, your Top 3 should include at least one university that is not mentioned in the list above, but you are advised to enter a wider selection of choices);
  • After the deadline of enrollment, credits are checked in Osiris and students are ranked accordingly (make sure that all your credits are registered properly in Osiris by February 2022!). Students who are selected in this first selection will be informed in March by the HU International Offfice;
  • If you do not meet the requirements after term B, you can apply for selection in term C or later (for Spring);
  • If you cannot be placed at the universities of your choice during the matching-process, you will be contacted and offered a list of other available places.

Learning Agreement

As part of your application at the partner university you have to fill in the courses you are planning to take while abroad (incl. some back-up courses) on your Learning Agreement and Course Details form.  For Erasmus you will also need to complete an Erasmus Learning Agreement on top of that.

In the minor, you are not allowed to have more than 20% overlap with your regular IBS courses. Please check the content of the modules of Semester 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 on Canvas so that you can compare the partner’s offer with your home curriculum to avoid this overlap.

Your courses must be approved by the Examination Board of IBS prior to your departure.

However, before you submit your courses for approval to the Examination Board you need to upload your learning agreement (incl. course descriptions) on Mobility Online for your Study Abroad Coordinator to check: you need positive advice on these courses from your Study Abroad Coordinator. In order to get final Examination Board approval for your courses, you will have to upload the course guides of the courses you are taking together with your request.

For more information/questions

Study Abroad Walk-in hours: Please mail your question to




IBS study abroad coordinators:

Ute Massholder
Heidelberglaan 15
Tel: +31 884 816 891
Eline Hofman
Heidelberglaan 15
International Office – Exchange Unit

IBS study abroad forms

  • HU Credits Conversion Table
  • Rules SA less than 30 EC

IB study abroad Forms