2. Einde aan honger

2 Einde aan honger

Verzeker een goede gezondheid en promoot welvaart voor alle leeftijden. In 2030 mag niemand op de wereld meer honger lijden. Iedereen moet toegang hebben tot veilig, voedzaam en voldoende voedsel, het hele jaar door.

Breakfast Club

Ontbijt is de belangrijkste maaltijd van de dag, maar helaas krijgen veel jonge kinderen in Kenia geen gezond ontbijt. De HU Breakfast Club wil hier, samen het de Dodore Foundation, verandering in brengen door een gezond ontbijt voor hen te verzorgen. Door studenten bij dit project te betrekken kunnen zij bovendien hun krachten gebruiken om een verschil in de wereld te maken!

Lees hier meer.

-English version below-

The aim of the Breakfast Club is reducing hunger and poverty. It is a collaboration with the Dodore Foundation of the Netherlands to engage HU International Business Honours-programme students to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Breakfast Club programme aims to help raise awareness and funds to provide breakfast every school day for young school children from the slums in Kenya, Africa. In 2020, due to the covid19 pandemic, this has been especially hard on the schools and families of the children of the programme. The schools have been closed since mid-March 2020. Happily, with the initiative activities carried out by our Honours students, the families have been supported directly to provide a meal to their children while they are at home.

The Breakfast Club programme empowers students to contribute back to the society and to others. The Breakfast Club programme equips students with the skills and competencies to make a difference in the world. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; by providing breakfast children are motivated to go to school every day. It gives them the opportunity to develop their bodies and brains. Having an education enables them to raise the standard of living for themselves and their families in the future. The IB Honours Programme is part of the initiative of the Institute of International Business of the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Utrecht).

Leewee Chew
Website: hutalks.nl/our-work/breakfast-club

Laatste update 2023